Ambulance Victoria Membership gives you protection against the cost of emergency treatment and transport services to the nearest most appropriate medical facility.
Your membership won’t pay for:
Any cases before 5pm the day after you join.
Any cases for the first 14 days of your membership where treatment or transport is due to any conditions you had before you joined.
Any cases for the first 14 days of your membership of pre-booked, non-emergency transport.
Transport that’s not to the nearest medical facility that can treat you, as we decide.
Transport to other health services we don’t think you clinically need, for example if you want to move to another facility to be closer to family or to attend your preferred doctor.
Transport from hospital or other health services back to Victoria after treatment.
Services used where there was a road or workplace incident, unless TAC or Workcover have rejected a claim.
Services where a third party is responsible for payment, as described in the Ambulance services payment guidelines.
Services by a non-registered state ambulance provider.
Emergency services not as a result of a Triple Zero (000) call
Subject to Membership Scheme Business Rules